At Burnham, we pride ourselves on selling directly to you our customer. That way, you can be sure you are getting the very best boat covers and accessory bags. No matter where you and your boat are, we will custom make your order and ship it to you anywhere in the world. You can always order directly from Burnham Boat Slings.
In order to provide the best value to our overseas customers, we have partnered with three other water-sport centered companies dedicated to a personalized approach with first-rate customer service. You can now turn to our three distributors for the classic Burnham service. Look to Five57 Sportsgear (Europe and the UK), Perfect Balance Rowing (Australia/Oceania), and our newest partner RegattaSport (Canada) for our custom covers and accessories. All our covers will continue to be hand made, one at a time, for your boat, in our shop in beautiful Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA.
International Distributors

United Kingdom/Europe
Bridgford Business Centre
29 Bridgford Rd.
Nottingham, UK
Main contact: Claire Kay
+44 7976894677
PO Box 129
Balwyn North
Victoria 3104
Main contact: Alastair Isherwood
+61 488 622 208
Cover the boat you love with the best.